BootCamp 100% en ligne le soir avec enregistrement des séances

Durée : **Du 01 septembre au 30 décembre 2021 [pack] 112 heures, 7 heures par semaine hors weekend (deux soirées)

* Vouchers CDOSS offerts ( :

– CDOSS Certificate Big Data Analytics with Hive Query Language and Beeline

– CDOSS Certificate Managing Big Data in Hadoop Cluster 

– CDOSS Certificate Big Data Machine Learning with Apache Spark

– CDOSS Certificate Machine Learning With Python

– CDOSS Certificate Deep Learning With Python

– CDOSS Certificate Hadoop Cluster Installation and Administration

* Certification DataCamp-Training agréée par l’état (Agrément N 61/377/20 et opérateur de formation inscrit à la CNFCPP)

Prix et modalités de payement : +216 95 563 389

Inscription en ligne (pack complet ou par module) :

(Big Data level I)

CDOSS Certificate

Big Data Analytics with Hive Query Language and Beeline (3 jours-21 heures)

+ Certification DataCamp Training pour chaque participant

+ Voucher de la certification internationale CDOSS Big Data Analytics with Hive Query Language and Beeline 

Profiles that can prepare this certification contents: Marketing Consultant, Manager, Quantitative Methods engineer, Data engineer, Full stack developer, Web developer, Business Intelligence Consultant, Big Data Consultant and more.

No Prerequisite

Training objectives:

+ Understand Apache Hadoop architecture and data management

+ Dominate data analysis with Hive and Beeline


I/ Introduction to Big Data

Three Vs of big data

Hadoop Architecture and MapReduce

Big Databases, Big Data Stores, and SQL

Features of SQL for Big Data Analysis

II/ Analyzing Big Data with SQL

Running Hive Query Language Statements using Hive Shell and Beeline

The SELECT List and The FROM Clause

Using Beeline in Non-Interactive Mode

Using Hive in Scripts and Applications

The WHERE Clause : Operators and Functions

Working with Missing Values

Aggregate Operations and The GROUP BY Clause

The HAVING Clause

The ORDER BY and The LIMIT Clause


Joins and Advanced Joins

(Big Data level II)

CDOSS Certificate

Managing Big Data in Hadoop Cluster (2 jours-14 heures)

+ Certification DataCamp Training pour chaque participant

+ Voucher de la certification internationale CDOSS Managing Big Data in Hadoop Cluster

Profiles that can prepare this certification contents: Marketing Consultant, Manager, Quantitative Methods engineer, Data engineer, Full stack developer, Web developer, Business Intelligence Consultant, Big Data Consultant and more.

Prerequisite: Big Data level I

Training objectives

+ Understand Apache Hadoop architecture and data management

+ Dominate managing data in clusters

+ Ability to use Apache Sqoop


Understand Hadoop Architecture and MapReduce

Browsing Tables in the Metastore

Browsing Files in HDFS

Creating Databases and Tables

Managing Existing Tables

Understand Data and File Types

Loading Files into HDFS

Using Sqoop to Load Data from Relational Databases

Using Hive to Load Data into Tables

Simplifying Queries with Views

Table Partitioning

Complex Data and Denormalization

(Data Science level I)

CDOSS Certificate

Machine Learning With Python (4 jours-28 heures)

+ Certification DataCamp Training pour chaque participant

+ Voucher de la certification internationale CDOSS Machine Learning With Python

Profiles that can prepare this certification contents: Data engineer, statistical engineer, Quantitative Methods engineer, Developer engineer, Applied Mathematics engineer and more.

No Prerequisite

Training objectives

+ Python libraries for data science

+ Supervised learning regression

+ Supervised learning classification

+ Unsupervised learning


   I Python libraries for Data Science

Pandas library for DataFrame, Matplotlib library for Visualization, Numpy library for Scientific Computing

   II Supervised learning regression

Simple and multiple linear regression. Polynomial regression. Evaluation metrics. Mean Squared Error. Absolute Squared Error. Root Mean Squared Error. R2. Adjusted R2. Features selection. P values. Features importance. Sci-Kit Learn library.

    III Supervised learning classification

Nearest Neighbors. Logistic regression. Support Vector Machine (linear and kernel). Decision Tree. Random Forest. Naïve Bayes. Artificial Neural Networks. Evaluation metrics. Accuracy. Precision. Recall. F2 score. ROC curve. CAP curve. Sci-Kit Learn library. Tensoflow and Keras libraries.

    IV Unsupervised learning

K-Means. Hierarchical Clustering. Dimensionality reduction with Principal Component. Clusters visualization. Sci-Kit Learn library.

(Big Data niveau III)

CDOSS Certificate

Big Data Machine Learning with Apache Spark (2 jours-14 heures)

+ Certification DataCamp Training pour chaque participant

+ Voucher de la certification internationale CDOSS Big Data Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Profiles that can prepare this certification contents: Data scientist, Quantitative Methods engineer, Data engineer, Full stack developer, Web developer, Business Intelligence Consultant, Big Data Consultant and more with acceptable algorithmic capability

Prerequisite: Data science level I

Training objectives

+ Understand Apache Spark architecture and data management

+ Using basic Apache Spark functionality with python:

   – Extract Transform Load (ETL) with pyspark

   – Spark SQL

   – Scalable Data Science

   – Machine learning (basic notions) with Mllib et ML


+ Hadoop Architecture and MapReduce

+ Apache Spark scalability

+ Apache Spark architecture

+ Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) and Dataframe

+ Spark SQL

+ Extract Transform Load with Spark

+ Basic notions of machine learning (supervised learning and unsupervised learning

    Machine Learning with RDD (MLlib with pyspark)

    Machine Learning with Dataframe (ML with pyspark)

(Data Science level II)

CDOSS Certificate

Deep Learning (4 jours-28 heures)

+ Certification DataCamp Training pour chaque participant

+ Voucher de la certification internationale CDOSS Deep Learning With Python

Profiles that can prepare this certification contents: Data engineer, statistical engineer, Quantitative Methods engineer, Developer engineer, Applied Mathematics engineer and more.

Prerequisite: Data science level I


I Introduction et réseau de neurones profonds directe vers l’avant

  • Introduction et contexte
  • Machine Learning dans le contexte supervisé
  • Le neurone formel
  • Les réseaux de neurones
  • Algorithme de la descente du gradient
  • Deep Learning: CPU, GPU et cluster
  • Theano, Tensorflow et Keras
  • Réseau de neurones profonds directe vers l’avant (Deep feed-forward neural network)

II : Réseau de neurones convolutifs et récurrents

  • Réseau de neurones convolutifs (Convolutionnal Neural Networks)
  • Propriétés de convolution
  • Couches de convolution
  • Consolidation (Pooling)
  • Réseau de neurones récurrents (Recurrent Neural Networks)
  • Prédiction des séries temporelles
  • Réseau de neurones récurrents à mémoire court-terme et long terme (LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks)
  • Réseau de neurones récurrents à mémoire court-terme et long terme pour la régression (LSTM Network For Regression)
  • Réseau de neurones récurrents à mémoire court-terme et long terme en utilisant la méthode fenêtre (LSTM For Regression Using the Window Method)
  • Réseau de neurones récurrents à mémoire court-terme et long terme avec pas temporel (LSTM For Regression with Time Steps)

(Big Data level 4)

CDOSS Certificate

Hadoop Cluster Installation and Administration (1 journée-7 heures)

+ Certification DataCamp Training pour chaque participant

+ Voucher de la certification internationale CDOSS Big Data Hadoop Cluster Installation and Administration

Profiles that can prepare this certification contents: Network Engineer, Data engineer, Full stack developer, Big Data Consultant and more.

Prerequisite: network administration general concepts, some unix commands

Training objectives:

+ Understand Apache Hadoop architecture and data management

+ Dominate Hadoop cluster installation & configuration

+ Ability to install Hive, Impala, Hbase, Sqoop, Spark and Flume


+ Hadoop Architecture

    – Namenode/Datanode

    –  Yarn

    –  JobTracker/TaskTracker

+ MapReduce

    – Paradigm

    – Applications

+ Hadoop cluster installation & administration

    – Hadoop single node installation

    – Hadoop mutli-nodes installation

+ Hive, Impala, Hbase, Sqoop, Spark and Flume Installation & Administration

DataCamp Training & Consulting

Adresse: Avenue Bourguiba maison 178, Gremda Sfax 3062


Phone: +216 95563389 +216 98550000

Nous sommes agréés par le Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle et de l’Emploi (Agrément N°61/377/20) et opérateur de formation inscrit à la CNFCPP (Centre National de Formation Continue et de Promotion Professionnelle)